إيجابيات وسلبيات الحاسوب بالإنجليزية 2020 -احدث مقال-


benefits and harms of computer

                                              pros and cons of computer

Computer is one of the most common electronic devices at the present time, it is indispensable in any field of life, whether practical, scientific or educational, it is involved in the work of all institutions, companies and large and small projects alike, because of its ease of use in storing information, processing and retrieving it. Anytime user wants it, it is also used in schools, universities and various educational institutions.

 positives of computer:

 The computer has several benefits when used correctly, among them:
benefits and harms of computer

       1.    Solve all numerical problems: which contain many long mathematical equations that need a long time to solve them, so the computer can solve these problems in a very short and record time with an explanation of the methods and steps it has taken to solve these problems.
       2.    A way to learn and develop abilities: It is an important tool for learning a lot of things, especially for young people, such as programming, Photoshop, design, and also learning languages.

 3.    Storing and storing huge amounts of information: One of the most important things that distinguish the computer is its ability to store and store huge amounts of information in a place called the database, which contains a large amount of information and data related to specific topics.
4.    The computer can search for information easily and quickly, and it is possible to make any change to any information it desires easily and quickly.
5.    Control and control of other automated devices: The computer can control the telephone system and special devices, and computers in this field are distinguished for being able to solve any problem that may be exposed quickly and accurately.
6.    A way to make money: a group of individuals uses it to make money through e-marketing, YouTube, and a host of other income-generating platforms.
7.    The high ability to create pictures and documents and display them: The most beneficiaries of this feature are the Meteorological Department, and there are special programs for word processing and writings, which are used in speeches and various books, and the computer helps in the process of correcting any spelling mistake that the user might make, He made any amendment or change in these writings immediately.
8.    Computer is used in the scientific and educational field in schools and universities of various specializations.
9.    The computer is a means of entertainment at leisure.

 Negatives of computer:

 Despite the many positives of the computer, it has many damages, including:
benefits and harms of computer

      1.    The eyes are damaged, due to sitting for long hours in front of the computer without getting rest, which leads to fatigue, fatigue and eye fatigue.
      2.    The risk of obesity, as the daily use of the computer sitting for an extended period of time in front of it may lead to a person getting used to a lack of activity, which may pose a risk to his health and increase the risk of obesity and physical inactivity.
      3.    Exposing neck muscles to problems and defects that cause pain as a result of long sitting in front of computer screens.
  4.    Isolating an individual from the outside world and its surroundings, because it takes up a large portion of its time at the expense of carrying out other activities.
5.    The possibility of moral corruption due to pornographic sites on the Internet and other sites that lead the individual to delinquency, especially children and adolescents.


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